New version 3.7.2 available!
New! More analysis, more functions. Windows 8 compatible. |

The nutrition software for your PC. NEW! Now available in the 2015 version, with interactive diary and innovative user interface!
Leaf through your diary.
Check and analyse your nutritional intake.
Incl. scientific nutritional information table.
Using the new 2015 version is also very simple for PC beginners. Just try it out!

Achieve long-lasting weight loss with the nutrition software nutrinote
The nutrition organizer nutrinote
lends you a helping hand and shows you the best way to start loosing weight. You can find out which
foods you are eating are full of hidden fats and are loaded with calories. The nutrition software
always displays the percent of fat, carbohydrates, protein, and alcohol that come from your daily
food intake. It is customized for each day and for every recipe that you include in your food
record! When you do sports, the diet software credits you for the calories that you’ve burned off
using the calorie counter. The nutrition software will save the number of calories that are
burned while doing nearly 300 activities and sports; it includes everything from jogging to
walking up stairs and going shopping to playing sports at different levels of intensity.
What does the electronic food diary offer you?
The basis of the nutrition software is the animated food diary, which you can actually browse
through as if it were a real book. Besides keeping track of your food intake and activities,
you can also keep a record of your moods by selecting one of the five mood levels. You can also
keep track of your weight and make remarks about the day.
By keeping track of the foods that you are consuming on a daily basis, the
calorie light can show you
if you are still in the green area. If you go over the calorie limit that you previously set for
yourself, the warning light will turn yellow, or maybe even red! You can also adjust the light to
monitor one of the 131 nutrients and turn it into a warning light for fat or fructose.
An automatic score calculation. A score is calculated incrementally for every nutrient (also for
personally selected ones) using the formula, carbohydrates/50 + fat/12, giving a score of 0, 0.5, 1, etc.
If you are counting score points while dieting, the diet software will tabulate them automatically
for you.
The weight chart shows you the trends in your weight over a long period of time and keeps a
record of your success.
You can also read your
Body Mass Index (BMI) and determine which level
you currently belong in (underweight, normal weight, overweight, obese levels 1-3). Likewise,
the composition of energy, energy balance and a record for all nutrients is shown in the
convenient charts.
The food diary analysis has a particularly useful feature. Select a period of time and the
nutrition software analyzes your food diary. You will find out how many calories and
nutrients came from the particular foods that you have consumed and it will tell you when you
consumed these according to the digital food record.
If you can’t explain why you are still consuming too many calories despite dieting,
you can find out why. One analysis is, for example, "In the last 2 weeks most of your
calories came from soft-drinks (20% of the total calories), totaling over 5 gallons
of soda in 2 weeks: on Monday 1/2 gallon, on Tuesday 3 pints or 1/3 gallon, etc.
Your second largest source of calories is butter, totaling 15% of the total of your
calorie intake." If you have this information you can finally react appropriately
and change your diet accordingly by taking a few simple steps. In this case by
drinking tea or water instead of soft-drinks and using low-fat margarine instead
of butter. By doing this you automatically reduce your calorie intake by 27.5% and
long lasting results are within easy reach, without having to give up your
favorite foods.
With nutrinote you get all of the information you need to find out exactly what
things you can quickly and easily change! In order for you to be able to start your
food diary right now, a nutritional table (USDA) has been included, which contains information
on up to 131 nutrients which are found in over 7,500 foods. The table can be extended by as many
of your own foods and drinks as you wish.
Who can use nutrinote?
nutrinote is suitable for everyone who:
- wants to achieve long-lasting weight loss or who wants help to maintain a special
- wants to maintain their weight
- wants to put on weight and who needs to continue to gain weight in the long run
- has an intolerance to certain foods like fructose or lactose and for
- must maintain a diet plan
- does a lot of sport and wants to optimize their nutrition
Besides the premium version for private users there is also a
professional version available
for nutritionists and coaches. This special version of the nutrition software also contains a section
for managing patients, in which all of the master data, appointment records, notes on patients, and
results from blood tests can be managed.
On our homepage you can find more information about nutrinote, download
a demo version free of charge and orders can be placed very easily. Right
after you place your order, you can download the nutrition software and start
setting up your food record! Click here!